A Shallow Depth of Field on a field, the wetlands.
Walking abreast with a nature lover like me.
Hiking from where we start but no destination.
Destination never matters but the pathway we trod.
Every part of you unveils your beauty each day.
Never change that but for the better.
Not only for others but for yourself to testify.
Thank you so much for the memorable heatwave walk.
The bond we share in a nutritional Teff seed tested in a harsh condition.
The bokeh can be shallow but never the moments we share.
Each day is new but His endless mercy gets us through.
In the process we can’t see but His timeline aligns.
We all need rebooting in different ways;
in different seasons and different plans.
Hang in there, our dearest friend.
Welcome to the 6 seasons of Down Under! Enjoy!
Whoever you may be with but these moments was ours.
A treasure for life without measure.
Bush Tucker for your palette.
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