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Nomadic Musk Lorikeet with Teal in Ballarat

posted in: Australia, Ballarat, Blog, Fauna 0

What wildlife birds in your backyard?

Reviewing my archive and found the Musk Lorikeet with a teal blue crown photo. Every time our Australian native Bottle Brush and Gum tree blossoms at home, it is visited and foraged by different wildlife birds. It was also a refuged by a Possum during the bushfires a few years back. Birds or wildlife in backyards is enjoyable to watch and listen to their sounds. I only managed to photoshoot one as they as they move very quickly when they’re eating from the tree.

They are only found and endemic to south-eastern Australia (New South Wales, Victoria & South Australia). They are called nomadic travellers to find foods in seasons. They can be a pest for farmers orchards or your garden fruit tree if they are attracted.


For an active forum: you can go to BirdsInBackyards.net


Date Photograph: Dec 6, 2016 backyard

Musk Lorikeet ID:

Scientific Name: Glossopsitta concinna
Featured bird groups: Parrots


Musk Lorikeet Colour Palette – there are more than five colours when you hover the selection, especially around its eyes.

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