Alluring Patterns Challenge
Run by Award Winning Photographer Timothy Sutherland
My entry photos garnered 891 All-Star votes and I am very grateful for those who followed the patterns. 🙂 Currently, the challenge offered four photos entry.
Entry Photo 1:Â An alluring pattern of my home organic gardening sunflower giant flower florets. The florets are the most beautiful parts of the sunflower.
Entry Photo 2: Introducing you the pollen-bearing anthers or “garden corals” of the humble artichoke flower. Loved by the insects and bees when in full blooming.
Entry Photo 3: Wild garlic flowers growing back in my home organic gardening. It usually serves as pest control in the garden setting with beautiful little flowers and aroma.
Entry Photo 4: Taking off its hat naturally from one of the Alum flowers growing back in spring then flowering through summertime in the southern hemisphere.
What are you waiting for? Join in the gaming photography platform and start voting.
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