Tuberous Begonia Alyce
Untouched by visitors but maybe also guests(?), for eyes to feast and keen photography only….
Correct me if I’m wrong but this looks like Alyce in the world of Tuberous Begonia. I took a photo but not their names at that time. Ballarat City holds one of the World’s Biggest Begonia Festival display. It is held most at the start of Autumn March season. Most of the Tuberous Begonias are the spectacular display I have ever seen and huge flowers to touch but not allowed to do so! Due to work shifts we are unable to attend every year, only when we can and took the opportunity to photo shoot this gardeners‘ pride of bloom. In Auckland, New Zealand gardeners are encouraged to exhibit their tuberous begonia blooms and visitors can vote their display.
Adapted name of the Tuberous Begonia via
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