Pre – Spring July in Ballarat 2015
This means, our city has already visited and settled by the antarctic birds around the lake and some are commencing their nests. Some flowers started to bloom like Jonquils, other early bulbs, and flowering trees. Sometimes we get some frost and cold nights yet we feel already warming up for spring time.
At home, frosty night photo shoots early at dawn with the typical blooming Jonquils, Bergenia Classifolia and Harlequins or Sparaxis on my garden. The rest of the bulbs like Tulips, Lilies, and those green leaves of Harlequins or Sparaxis are yet to bloom by mid spring after they get their frosty blanket.
While at Lake Wendouree is being swamped by different wildlife birds. For your eyes only! Not for shooting and eating. These wildlife birds on this side of the lake are the Common Coots, Swamp Hens, a variety of ducks and the king and queen Black Swans. As you go around the lake, you will find more wildlife on their own territory and nesting places.
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